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Friday, 11th September 2015

Winton wonder about the past!

Thursday, 20th September 2012

Winton wonder about the past!

Skip for luck!  

  • Winton wonder about the past!Skip for luck!
  • Winton wonder about the past!And the hunt begins..

Today saw Winton Primary school's Year 6 camp head to the museum! The had a full on day with lots of activities all focussed on life in the past.

They searched for things in the museum, survived Miss Grey's classroom, were locked up in the Old Gaol, squeezed into Saint Mary MacKillop's cottage, explored the Chinese village and finally panned for gold!

Can you remember the year gold was first found in the Arrow River, or what happened to criminals before the gaol was built? And what was the name of the Chinese man who ran the store in the village?

We hope you enjoyed the visit as much as we did and look forward to hearing from you on this blog!!