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Friday, 11th September 2015

South Otago High School Seek Historical Knowledge

Monday, 30th June 2014

South Otago High School Seek Historical Knowledge

The busy itinerary for the day!  

  • South Otago High School Seek Historical KnowledgeThe busy itinerary for the day!
  • South Otago High School Seek Historical KnowledgeResearching in our conference room
  • South Otago High School Seek Historical KnowledgeStrolling in the Chinese settlement

On Friday the 27th June, 17 students from South Otago High School made a trip to the Lakes District Museum & Gallery for some historical research.

These year 13 students, had access to some amazing resources including our full collection of photographs dating from the 1860's, a burial register from the Queenstown cemetery, and a court wardens book that documented court cases from the 1870's.

Students also spent this time researching information about the Chinese settlers, law and order, women on the goldfields, economic activity, and living conditions. Our library of topic specific books was a great help to these students, especially our 1948 oral history transcripts!

Students were given a historic walk of Arrowtown which included a visit to the Old Gaol. A tour of the Chinese settlement was also part of the itinerary for the day.

What did you enjoy researching at the Lakes District Museum?

Did you find the visit to the museum useful for your research?

Answer my questions and comment about your visit to the Museum below!

The amount of research the students managed to squeeze into one day was high impressive. Well done South Otago History students - I look forward to your school visiting again next year.