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Friday, 11th September 2015
Arrowtown Montessori Create Tukutuku Panels
Monday, 12th August 2013

This afternoon Arrowtown Montessori visited the Lakes District Museum & Gallery. We had a wonderful time holding a moa bone, poha, and a pounamu mere!
We then looked at the Tukutuku panel the museum has on display, everyone could see the triangle patterns which represented the mountains in the area.
All the kids then got to have their own go at making their own tukutuku panels! We used peg boards, pipe cleaners and feathers for a modern version of a traditional tukutuku panel.
Tukutuku panels were traditionally woven with flax on native wood. They would be displayed inside marae's and whare's between the wooden carved pillars. The tukutuku panels were used to show the local landscape and also to tell Maori Mythology that was special to different iwi's.
Everyone did an amazing job with their panels and I put a few pictures up for you all to look at.
Comment below about your favourite part of making tukutuku panels!