Latest News Blog
December 2012
Millers Flat's marvellous day out!
Friday, 7th December 2012

Brave Miners!
Today saw the last school of 2012 for the education programme - MILLERS FLAT! Here to learn all about gold they participated in several activities all linked to the early miners!
Firstly they viewed the GOLD 150 exhibition and completed a worksheet, then they explored the museum...what did the man on the toilet say? how did they get around on the goldfields?
Next they went to the Chinese village where they saw the huts the Chinese miners lived in. Can you remember some of the things the huts were made from? And what the first (big) hut was used for?
Lastly they panned and cradled for GOLD in the Arrow River!! Most students were lucky and found a little speck in the bottom of their pan!
We hope you enjoyed your visit to us and look forward to seeing your comments on this blog!!
Maniototo make the most of their day @ the museum!!!
Thursday, 6th December 2012

Excellent skipping skills!!!
Today, the Year 6 (and a couple of Year 5) students visited the museum as part of their end of year camp. In the morning, they survived Miss Grey, were locked up in an old Gaol and viewed the GOLD 150 exhibition. The shower of rain after lunch meant a slight change of plan and instead of an outside activity they got 'hands on' with some artefacts. These were from different periods of time in NZ 's history....can you remember some of the things that came first? what came last?
A brief gap in the weather meant they were still able to pan for gold in the Arrow River (just like the miners did!). Some were lucky and found a small flake of gold! We hope you enjoyed your visit to us at the museum and look forward to hearing about it on this blog!!!
Year 7s from Weston get lucky!
Wednesday, 5th December 2012

The last hut!
Today, it was the Year 7 students from Weston School's turn at the museum! and they were 'lucky' in more ways than one!! The weather could not decide what it wanted to do but luckily we managed to get 'gaps' of lovely sunshine for most of the outside activities.
First they survived Miss Grey's classroom..without anyone being caned? OR DID THEY? then they were locked in the old gaol and visited Saint Mary MacKillop's cottage. In the afternoon they explored the Chinese village, viewed the GOLD 150 exhibition and finally panned for gold in the Arrow River - with most students getting 'lucky' again.
We hope you enjoyed your visit - let us about your experiences on this blog!!
Year 8s at Weston cope with a lock-up & Miss Grey!
Tuesday, 4th December 2012

Around the tree for luck!
Today saw the first of two visits from the students at Weston School. The Year 8s stepped back in time and learnt all about life in the past. They experienced Miss Grey's classroom, then were locked in an 1880s Gaol before skipping around the Mary Cotter tree for luck!
After lunch they explored the museum & Chinese village before testing out how lucky they were with their gold panning!! Many found a small flake of gole - one extremely lucky (or was it skill?!) person found two flakes.
We hope you enjoyed your visit to us and the rest of your camp...tell us about it on this blog!