Latest News Blog
Friday, 11th September 2015
James Hargest Harvest Knowledge
Wednesday, 14th August 2013
Coronet Peak Skifield - 1940's
James Hargest sent their year 13 geographers over for our Geography Presentation.
It was a large group so we used the facilities at the Wakatipu Community Church Hall, where students had their pick from 3 TV screens to view the presentation!
I even learnt something new from the Geography teacher! That Jim Hamilton not only designed the Hamilton Jet but also the original rope tow used on Coronet Peak!
Yesterday, the students also had the benefit of listening to local Senior Constable Beth speak about the social impact of tourists in Queenstown. Everyone was really impressed by her knowledge and experience. The education programme here at the Museum helped arrange this, and I bet hearing Beth speak would've been the highlight for the students trip!
Comment below about what you most enjoyed on your visit to Queenstown and Arrowtown.