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Friday, 11th September 2015
James Hargest Came Here to Learn!
Friday, 20th September 2013

Gold Panning
Year 9 students from James Hargest came up for the day to learn more about the Chinese Settlers!
We had a day of gold panning and tours of the Chinese village, which ended with a Museum visit. With work sheets specifically designed for students to work on throughout the day, these students had an information overload! We even had a gold prospector turn up and show us his own methods for gold panning, which helped one girl find about 6 specs of gold!!!
Watch this great video which has some short clips from the film Illustrious Energy, which is based on the hardship the Chinese Settlers experienced in Central Otago!
What was your favourite part of your visit to Arrowtown?
Do you think the Chinese settlers found it difficult to make New Zealand their new home? Why?
Comment Below!