Latest News Blog
Friday, 11th September 2015
Winton Work on Learning
Thursday, 4th September 2014

Checking out the different building materials used for the Old Gaol
Winton students visited the Lakes District Museum & Gallery to discover our history!
Here were some of their learning goals:
- To gain an appreciation of the difficulties the early settlers faced
- To understand what life was like in the 1800's
These goals directly linked to the New Zealand curriculum's Social Sciences strand for L3:
How people record and remember the past, view and use resources differently
How the movement of people affects cultural diversity.
To help the students accomplish so much learning, we had a busy day scheduled with these activities:
- An 1800's lesson with Scary Miss Gray
- A museum visit which included handling artefacts
- A historic walk of Arrowtown
- A tour of the Chinese settlement
- Gold panning!
What was your favourite part of the visit?
Do you think life was difficult during the 1800's? Why?
What were some of the hardships these early settlers faced?
Answer my questions and comment about your visit below.
Thanks for visiting Winton School!